The ALL-NEW Shabbat Factory

Age: 3+ 
Duration: 1 hour 
Student Cap: 45
Students Take Home: Kiddush Cup/Challah Cover

  • An exciting and fascinating workshop for kids of all ages .
  • Hands on presentation of wine making for Kiddush.
  • Children will watch a multi media presentation about wine making.
  • Learn all about the meaning and beauty of Shabbat.
  • Wine making process includes kids choosing the good grapes from the bad ones.
  • Kids walk away with challah cover/Kiddush cup


  1. Design very own Kiddush cup (Institutions get to choose to 'paint' the cup or 'mod pudge' with tissue paper.)
  2. Children get to braid their own Challah and then take it home
  3. Make and design beautiful Challah Cover